Per Title, per Shot and Content-Adaptive Video Encoding with IRIS.ANALYST

Different types of video content have different bitrate requirements to reach a high-quality experience for the viewer. While we don’t like to spend too much bitrate, we also like to reach the best possible picture quality. Spatial and temporal complexity are parameters, which will help to define the individual bitrates per title or per shot. Video noise and grain are part of the spatial and temporal signal components of video and as we learned from NETFLIX, can make a 30% difference when it comes to bitrate requirements. We can confirm this 30% bit-rate reduction at Wavelet Beam


• Auto-Selecting Video Noise Profiles

• Measuring video resolution without a test target in the video

• Measuring Video Noise Levels PSNR [dB]

• Spatial and temporal complexity measurement

• Contrast and Brightness

Here the related FKT article: Beyond Pixel Count and Video Resolution in English and German

Turn on AUDIO!

The LA Downtown clip and the tiger clip above are zoomed and scaled from 9K to UHD (Shot on 9x7)